Players can easily spend hundreds of hours exploring every nook and cranny in Elden Ring . Fortunately, there's still so much to do after beating the game for the first time. The game is considered finished once the Tarnished is able to get their hands on the Elden Ring. As players progress and defeat enemies, they will become stronger using the Runes they earn throughout their adventure. After unlocking access to the Flame of Ruin, the player can face off against the Elden Beast, the final boss of the game. Once he's defeated, players can boot the game right back up and continue their quest in the Land Between.

In a game as big as Elden Ring, it's nearly impossible to experience everything during the initial playthrough. On the bright side, most of Elden Ring can be shared with a friend as an ally in battle. If any boss is too difficult, use the Furlcalling Finger to summon another player into the world. There are a few limitations, like the second player being sent back to their world after the battle is over, but they can easily be summoned back at the next grace point. All grace points end up being reset after the players have started New Game Plus.

The first thing to do after beating Elden Ring is to mark all the locations on the map that the player has yet to visit. It's a good indicator if the player arrives in a new area and finds very few graces in between one another. This usually means there are hidden passageways or entirely different dungeons that have been untouched. Since a majority of the open world can be shared with a friend, summon them to really enhance the fun. These are the best ways to extend time in the Lands Between.

Best Things To Do After Beating Elden Ring

Elden Ring banished Knight Oleg
  • Defeat Malenia: She is known as one of the most difficult bosses battles in Elden Ring. It's a completely optional boss located at the bottom of Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. She should be the first stop after clearing the main story.
  • Clear Out Any Remaining Dungeons: It's likely there have been locations that were too difficult for players to clear on their first attempt. With endgame stats, those players should give it another go. There are dozens of dungeons hidden around the Lands Between.
  • Participate in Invasions: This is the process where players can enter another player's world and act as an enemy. It really can put a damper on another player's day, but it's part of the Elden Ring experience, and it can make for an engaging combat experience for both parties.
  • Beginning Journey 2: This acts as Elden Ring's New Game Plus, which will carry over all spells and attributes to the new world. All sites of grace and Bell Bearings will be lost as well as all the Great Runes that were collected. It's a great way to experience the beginning of the game with juiced-up stats.

There's also the entire underground area in the Lands Between that is full of its own challenges and boss battles. Elden Ring is a title that players can dedicate hundreds of hours to without even seeing everything. Certain areas are locked off until the player clears out a certain NPC quest. It's always valuable to speak with NPCs whenever they appear. It's likely a massive Elden Ring DLC is in the works, which will hopefully give fans reason to return to the Lands Between soon.

More: Elden Ring: Where To Find The Crimson Tear Scarab

Elden Ring is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC.